While Our Childish-GoFuckYourself-Unofficials (C-GFY-U) wage Guerras de la Vanidad against their own team, “We Some Of Us People” are Buscando for A Piece OF MIND.
Stop Being so Fucking nice “ALL” the Goddamn Time.
Take your El Respeto.
Dejar de Proteger and Enabling the Guilty.
Toma tus manos Off.
Stop trying to Recuerda every Stupid Dtaile.
Take your own tipo de notación.
Deja de intentar to “One-Up” Them.
Take DOS Out Instead (and they Betta’ Fuckin’ Pay.).
Stop trying to Reparar THEIR Broken Lives.
Toma el control de tu propio.
Stop Paying for their Errores too.
Toma tu propio and Run (Muy Rapido).
Stop Actuando como tú no Importa.
Take Orgullo in your Existencia.
Deja de actuar como tú did not do IT.
¡Te Vi!
So Just Fuckin’ STOP Already.
Por Favor.