The ideas, thoughts, and opinions contained within are not presented as a legal form of therapy, clinical advice, and/or a guarantee into the understanding of self. All humans are “not” created equal, thus, these words may affect/EFFECT everyone differently. I can only speak on behalf of myself and the thought process that has worked for me. Extract or Reject what you may. Be wise and proceed with caution. Some adult themes and profanity THROUGHout. Thank you.
A "Thought" is the Crudest Element within the Formulation of an Idea.
You don’t even have to possess a “Photographic Mind Map” like Kim Jung Gi (whom I do not consider to be “My” Master, but who is definitely worthy of high praise).
You do not have to know or fully understand perspective, nor all of the other “Skills” that you believe are necessary for Drawing.
You simply need: a Pen, a Piece of Paper, and a Simple Line.
Once you make the first mark on the paper, let it take you on a ride. Do not attempt to control it, just go with the movement of your hands and the changing patterns of your mind. Let the past become the future, and the future made void. Take in the Universe and expel expectations out.