The ideas, thoughts, and opinions contained within are not presented as a legal form of therapy, clinical advice, and/or a guarantee into the understanding of self. All humans are “not” created equal, thus, these words may affect/EFFECT everyone differently. I can only speak on behalf of myself and the thought process that has worked for me. Extract or Reject what you may. Be wise and proceed with caution. Some adult themes and profanity THROUGHout. Thank you.
A "Thought" is the Crudest Element within the Formulation of an Idea.
You are allowed to take bits and pieces of information from reliable sources and make them work for you. Add your personality and infuse them with your natural ability. You do not have to follow someone else's life program verbatim. You will not learn your own style by imitation alone. You will learn by trying it your way and then figuring out how to deal with the repercussions of your decisions.
There will be tons of advice, mostly okay, but some may be detrimental. Either way, you should pay attention to the outcomes of the advice taken.
Small example: Just because Doctors and Scientists say you should get at least 8 hours of sleep; does not mean that it will work with your specific mind and body.
I sleep when I am tired. Sometimes that means in the middle of the day, or 30 minutes before work. I like to rest my mind frequently. Sleep is the recharge state.
I have a very sporadic sleep cycle, but I’m seldom exhausted. I always have energy, whether I have slept for 2 hours or 5 hours. I seem to generate my best thoughts and creativity with this pattern.
For some, this would not be comfortable, but it doesn’t matter because it is what works for me. If I happen to need 8 hours or more on some days, then so be it. My pattern is flexible and congruent with the tempo of my life.
Do what works for you and not what works for them. Trust your own instincts regarding which path to take during your stay in this Realm. You will, for a time, travel with the wrong people somewhere down the path. You will regret many decisions made. You will hate yourself and then love yourself some more. And some day, you will reach a place where understanding is customary to wisdom. This becomes your Warrior State. You have chosen the path that you want to take. You have figured out what works for you and what doesn’t. You have thrown out false advice and idolatry. Now stand firm and live “your” life.”